A revolution in

pain management.

Our Ortho

Pain shouldn’t hold you back. This Orthopedic stem cell treatment is designed to restore mobility and reduce inflammation. We are talking about the whole structure: muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Imagine walking, running, exercising, and being free of pain. Free to be you once again.






Success Stories

The Process

The procedure is simple, safe and ambulatory.
While you may feel tender for a few days, recovery is generally fast. During your consultation, we will discuss realistic expectations for your recover process, as everyone’s experience is unique. We never overpromise, but we will always strive to over-deliver.

1. Initial Consultation

Virtual meeting with one of our Ortho team physicians for a preliminary assessment and to answer all your questions.

2. Ultrasound Diagnostic and Joint Mapping

High-definition ultrasound mapping each area to be treated and calculates the number of high-variable mesenchymal stem cells needed.

3. Stem Cell Injections

After the diagnostic, stem cells are injected with ultrasound guidance for extreme accuracy and precision.

Meet your specialist:

Dr. Felipe Deliyore, MD

Associate Physician
Musculoskeletal Division Lead

Felipe is passionate about empowering patients to reach their peak physical potential. As the department director, he is responsible for implementing advanced science and technology, supervising all orthopedic procedures, from diagnosis to direct patient care, and providing post-procedural recommendations to ensure the best possible results.

Our Treatments

Slow down
cellular aging.

Stem Cell Infusion

Infusion of Premium Grade
Mesenchymal Stem Cells.

Live pain-free.

Ortho Treatment

Joint regeneration therapies restore mobility and reduce inflammation.

Clean your body.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

Remove harmful agents from your blood and
replace them with healthy fluid.

Prevent disease.

Functional Medicine Program

Personalized health plans for each individual's

Improve sexual


Enhance Treatment

Regenerative solutions for intimacy.

Rejuvenate your skin.

Skin Treatment

A regenerative skincare for skin rejuvenation with stem cells.

Prepare for the future.


Collect and store your stem cells for potential use in the future.

Future protocols.

Coming soon.

Our institute is working non-stop to develop innovative regenerative treatments, with more to come.

Learn more


Our Research

Clinical studies on Orthopedic
stem cell treatments.

Third-Party Research

Joint regeneration therapies

News & Media

Latest news on orthopedic
cellular therapy.