
Are stem cell therapies supported by research?

There is a wealth of scientific research on stem cells. We have a dedicated section exclusively showcasing the latest innovative studies on regenerative therapies. The clinical use of hematopoietic stem cells has been extensively documented, with decades of successful experience in bone marrow stem cell transplants for blood cancers like leukemia and other diseases. To provide some historical context, the first successful bone marrow transplant took place in 1968—over 50 years ago. The scientific research leading to mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) applications in humans has grown exponentially. Thousands of papers

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How do Stem Cells work?

First, let’s define stem cells. Understanding their nature can help us comprehend their functionality in regenerative treatments. So, let’s start the science class. Stem cells, also known as mother cells, are special cells that can turn into different types of cells, such as skin, blood, fat, bone, nerve, and liver cells. They are undifferentiated as they haven’t been assigned a function in the body yet, making them unique.  Their other primary ability is to self-renew, meaning they can make copies of themselves. What does this mean? It basically indicates that

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Why Can’t I Study?

Research shows people can only spend 8 seconds on a concentrated task without becoming distracted – less than a goldfish! Learn how to add 2.2 ultra-productive hours to your day with our blog, “Why Can’t I Study?” By Vincent Giampapa, MD Back in 2008, a Microsoft Corporation study showed people could spend 12 seconds on a concentrated task without becoming distracted. Just five years later, it was only eight seconds – one second less than a goldfish! 1 Once our focus is broken, it can take up to 25 minutes

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The Latest Advances in Epigenetic Research and Why They Matter

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of life? With epigenetics, it’s possible! Our genes are not simply static instructions; they can be switched on and off depending on our environment. Epigenetics is a fascinating new field of science that promises to revolutionize how we think about health and heredity. Through this blog, I’ll explain what epigenetics is, why it matters, and how you can use this knowledge to improve your own wellbeing. So let’s begin our journey into the unknown – who knows what amazing discoveries we may make

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The Importance of Cell Health

Welcome to this blog about cellular health! If you’re like most people, your cells are probably the last thing on your mind. After all, why worry about something so small and invisible? But let me tell you – it’s time to start paying attention! You see, the health of our cells is essential for overall wellbeing; if we don’t keep them in top shape then our bodies can become susceptible to illness and disease. In this blog I’ll be sharing with you some great tips and advice on how to

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Exploring Alternative Treatments for Alleviating Pain from Osteoarthritis

As the years pass, our bodies take on many changes. Some we can control and others, like Osteoarthritis (OA), are a little more out of our hands – but that doesn’t mean you have to let it control you! In this blog, we will explore the connection between aging and OA, what causes it, how to manage your symptoms effectively so that you can age gracefully with an active lifestyle. So if you’re ready to get proactive about your health as you age and learn how to best manage the

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